
怎么样融资炒股 GH188合金板材热处理

怎么样融资炒股 GH188合金板材热处理


经过对GH188合金冷轧板材进行1150~1180℃热处理,检验高温拉伸功能,同时对板材进行1170~1230℃的固溶处理,检验板面氧化(即晶间腐蚀)状况,结果表明,GH188合金冷轧板材功能跟着热处理温度的升高,合金强度下降,塑性升高,当热处理温度达到1 180℃时,合金高温拉伸功能合格,不同温度晶间腐蚀结果表明,板面氧化层深度跟着热处理温度的升高逐渐加重,当热处理温度升高至1190℃时,外表的氧化深度现已超过用户的运用要求,终究确认GH188合金的最佳热处理温度为1180℃。


The effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of GH188 alloy sheet

By conducting heat treatment at 1150-1180 ℃ on GH188 alloy cold-rolled sheets, the high-temperature tensile properties were tested. At the same time, solid solution treatment at 1170-1230 ℃ was performed on the sheets to examine the surface oxidation (i.e. intergranular corrosion). The results showed that the performance of GH188 alloy cold-rolled sheets decreased with the increase of heat treatment temperature, and the alloy strength and plasticity increased. When the heat treatment temperature reached 1180 ℃, the high-temperature tensile properties of the alloy were qualified. The results of intergranular corrosion at different temperatures showed that the depth of the oxidation layer on the sheet gradually increased with the increase of heat treatment temperature. When the heat treatment temperature increased to 1190 ℃, the surface oxidation depth had exceeded the user's requirements. Finally, the optimal heat treatment temperature for GH188 alloy was determined to be 1180 ℃. 0 ℃.



GH188 high-temperature alloy

GH188 (GH5188) is a solid solution strengthened cobalt based high-temperature alloy, which has excellent high-temperature thermal strength by adding 14% tungsten solid solution strengthening. Adding a high content of chromium and trace amounts of lanthanum gives the alloy good high-temperature oxidation resistance. Having satisfactory forming, welding and other process properties, suitable for manufacturing parts on aircraft engines that require high strength below 980 ℃ and oxidation resistance below 1100 ℃. It can also be used in space engines and shuttles


SiCf/SiC复合资料具有抗氧化、高强度、耐高温、耐磨损、耐腐蚀等长处,是一种非常有潜力使用于高温、氧化等苛刻环境下的资料。在航空发动机使用中涉及与GH188钴基高温合金的衔接,可是这两种资料的衔接存在热膨胀系数差异大、界面反响杂乱、接头耐热性缺乏等问题。基于这些问题,本文先选用AgCuTi活性钎料对两种资料进行焊接,再经过增加Cu、Mo、Nb作为中间层用于隔绝高温合金元素,并缓解应力。最后,本文在钎猜中加入Pd粉来提高钎料的熔点,在钎猜中增加Mo元素进一步提高接头强度。本文研讨了不同Ti含量的AgCuTi钎焊SiCf/SiC本身。对比剖析后选用Au Cu2.7wt.%Ti钎料钎焊SiCf/SiC与GH188,研讨了衔接温度对接头安排与力学功能的影响。结果表明,影响接头强度的原因是Co、Cr、Ni等高温合金中活性元素的扩散后在接头中过度反响,剪切断口均在SiCf/SiC复合资料侧。因为接头发生缺陷的首要原因是Co、Cr、Ni等高温合金中活性元素与Si、C之间的过度反响及线膨胀系数差距较大带来的应力...

Study on the brazing process and mechanism of SiCf/SiC composite material and GH188 high-temperature alloy

SiCf/SiC composite materials have advantages such as oxidation resistance, high strength, high temperature resistance怎么样融资炒股, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. It is a material with great potential to be applied in harsh environments such as high temperature and oxidation. In the application of aviation engines, the connection with GH188 cobalt based high-temperature alloy is involved, but the connection between these two materials has problems such as large differences in thermal expansion coefficients, complex interface reactions, and insufficient joint heat resistance. Based on these issues, this article first uses AgCuTi active brazing material to weld the two materials, and then adds Cu, Mo, and Nb as intermediate layers to block high-temperature alloy elements and relieve stress. Finally, this article adds Pd powder to the brazing material to improve its melting point, and further enhances the joint strength by adding Mo element to the brazing material. This article investigates the brazing of SiCf/SiC by AgCuTi with different Ti contents. After comparative analysis, Au Cu2.7wt.% The effect of connection temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCf/SiC and GH188 joints brazed with Ti solder was studied. The results indicate that the reason for affecting the strength of the joint is the excessive reaction of active elements in high-temperature alloys such as Co, Cr, Ni after diffusion in the joint, and the shear fracture surface is all on the side of SiCf/SiC composite material. The main cause of joint defects is the excessive reaction between active elements in high-temperature alloys such as Co, Cr, Ni, and Si, C, as well as the stress caused by the large difference in linear expansion coefficients
